The Forceā€¦. #bepresent #maytheforcebewithyou #mygirlfriendvoice #mysuperpower #stressfultimes #wrapmeinreassurance advice & strategies anxiety confidence finding your power focused on the truth mindset matters stress super hero powers triggers & the inner critic visualization

The Force…

For many years when I to had to tackle a huge task, especially a stressful situation, I would resort to my super hero powers.   I channeled something to the likes of Xena Warrior Princess.  I’d have the grit and energy of a fierce mama bear protecting her cubs but I’d be glowing sexy hot donning a leather skirt and bikini top.  Fighting for the greater good while kicking ass!

When I wasn’t channeling Xena, I comfortably fell into my other mode; the Gumby mode.   Gumby was cute and flexible and a perfect shade of green.  Gumby bends over backward with ease, happily putting others needs in front of his/her own.  BUT when I became Gumby, I’d ultimately stretch myself too thin and become no good to anyone.  Flexibility was a exhausting!

There was no middle mode or neutral gear.  I was either Xena or Gumby or kinda of blank; lights on but no one home.  Emotions were tucked away for another time because I had little time (or desire) to feel unsettled.  It was quite exhausting to jump from one extreme to the other but I knew no other way.  It wasn’t like my friends and I were talking about these things.  We all had perfect lives; or so we thought.

Attention please:  That was then and this is now.  Xena and Gumby have been retired!

Giving myself permission to operate differently was the first step in this transformation.  It required a leap of faith! I was venturing outside of a comfortable operating system and playing around with an unvalidated update!  I had to believe that I had the capacity and the ability to deal with a wider range of emotions.  I had to willingly sit with my emotions; even the ones that are uncomfortable.  I vowed to remain openhearted and committed.

Happily I discovered that my new operating system included a super hero power which I affectionately call, “THE FORCE”.  The force is like a blanket of reassurance which grounds me while at the same time, unveils a vast resource of possibility.  I feel an energy surge around me, whispering “slow down”.  I am able to weigh the options and remain authentic; objective and compassionate.  I don’t have to become a warrior because my power is confident, quiet and as such is far more effective.

Is learning a new skill easy? Heck no. Operating in a new mode is like learning a new skill.   It takes practice so I have to remind myself all the time to focus on my progress.  I am not going to beat myself up striving for perfection.  I allow myself to feel and there are times when I am overwhelmed so I have to take a break to refresh myself by not thinking or feeling anything at all.   Other times I embrace the FORCE and let the whoop ass fly!

The Force helps me find WHAT IS TRUE.  Isn’t that what really matters– the TRUTH? 

I know, you are probably wondering...

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